First thing´s first
Vanna Capital applies a step by step approach by refining existing solutions and taking them to the next level. We believe in providing value by focusing on the real exposure at hand and then adding new variables, aspects and perspectives to the analysis and solution generating process.
Insights into current structural developments and effects from the ongoing regulatory process generates efficient and robust solutions. Not just for todays low asset voaltility environment, but also for tommorrows potentially extreme one. Current macro and regulatory developments demand full attention as the risk environment is transforming - demanding new thinking. We are talking non linearity. We are talking Vanna Capital.
Educational aspects. Board development in areas regarding operational risk management and the effects of changing macro and regulatory environments is an essential aspect. Unfortunately, board members often do not have the information they are entitled to. Vanna Capital provides this.
Macro complexity, non linear risks and its effect on risk management are areas explained where related analysis and crucial conlusions for your organization are provided. Incentives and structural impact on the risk management organization are two additional reasons Vanna Capital adds value.
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